Friday, January 21, 2011


Have you seen this miniseries?  I'm watching it on netflix and I'm completely addicted. I'm on season 2 and its awesome!  Its the only realty show that has real drama that doesn't feel like its created to drive an audience. American Idol doesn't hold a candle to this...these people really are facing life and death with every step they take.  Anyway, on to episode 6 from 2007 and wondering if Tim Medvetz will make it. Pruba Tashi is a mountain climbing god!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Another Injury Hits IU Guard Maurice Creek

Talk about a devastating injury...  This really puts a damper on the michigan victory. Can't believe he fractures a knee cap 2 seasons in row.  Creek already looked like a shell of himself trying to recover from last years injury. I only hope he'll be able to make a full recovery and maybe even play later this year.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

U.K. Bloggers, Celebs to Reveal Paid Tweets, Sponsored Posts

We, at BAT, manage all kinds of celebrity endorsements and have found twitter/facebook to be an interesting and effective medium for brands to get their message out leveraging the influence and built in fan base associated with celebrity.  The UK is just catching up with the U.S. in terms of disclosure...

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Titans Find a Way to Lose

Just when you think the Titans are going to catch a lucky break, the give the ball right back to the colts for a game winning field goal. To be honest, the loss it actually better for the titans...better draft pick. And lord know that they need more talent. Tomorrow starts what will likely be and extremely interesting offseason for the team. Let's hope it includes keeping Fisher and trading VY.